Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Rounding Hours Worked Is OK if Done Correctly

This post is brought to you by.... See's Candies.  Mmmmm nuts and chews.And their workers still give out those free samples. 

It turns out that See's also can deliver a tasty precedent! From the Court of Appeal.

See's Candy uses a timekeeping software system, known as Kronos, to record its employee work hours. Employees are required to "punch" into the system (located in the back room of each See's Candy store) at the beginning and end of their shifts, as well as for lunch breaks. A Kronos punch shows the actual time (to the minute) when the employee punched into the system. During the relevant times, See's Candy calculated an employee's pay based on his or her Kronos punch times, subject to adjustment under two policies: (1) the nearest-tenth rounding policy; and (2) the grace period policy.
Under the nearest-tenth rounding policy, in and out punches are rounded (up or down) to the nearest tenth of an hour (every six minutes beginning with the hour mark). The Kronos time punches are thus rounded to the nearest three-minute mark. For example, if an employee clocks in at 7:58 a.m., the system rounds up the time to 8:00 a.m. If the employee clocks in at 8:02 a.m., the system rounds down the entry to 8:00 a.m.

So, those are the relevant facts. The trial court held that rounding is not allowed in California, given that California requires payment for all hours worked.  See's argued that the federal rules on rounding should apply, and that they were adopted by the California DLSE.

The Court of Appeal agreed with See's:
In the absence of controlling or conflicting California law, California courts generally look to federal regulations under the FLSA for guidance. (Huntington Memorial Hospital v. Superior Court (2005) 131 Cal.App.4th 893, 903.) The policies underlying the federal regulation — recognizing that time-rounding is a practical method for calculating work time and can be a neutral calculation tool for providing full payment to employees — apply equally to the employee-protective policies embodied in California labor law. Assuming a rounding-over-time policy is neutral, both facially and as applied, the practice is proper under California law because its net effect is to permit employers to efficiently calculate hours worked without imposing any burden on employees. (See Gillings v. Time Warner Cable, LLC, supra, 2012 WL 1656937, at *5.

* * *

Relying on the DOL rounding standard, we have concluded that the rule in California is that an employer is entitled to use the nearest-tenth rounding policy if the rounding policy is fair and neutral on its face and "it is used in such a manner that it will not result, over a period of time, in failure to compensate the employees properly for all the time they have actually worked." (29 C.F.R. § 785.48; see DLSE Manual, supra, §§ 47.1, 47.2.)

To emphasize - the employer will be responsible for ensuring the rounding policy does not unfairly favor the employer.  Over time, "rounding" should come out about even.  If not, the court left open the possibility that the payment system will be found to be illegal.

The case is See's v. Superior Court (Silva) and the opinion is here.

Monday, 8 October 2012

California Supreme Court to Decide If Insubordination is Misconduct

Remember when the Court of Appeal decided that "refusing to sign" a document was insubordination, disqualifying a terminated employee from unemployment insurance benefits?  See this post.  That was awesome.

Anyway, the California Supreme Court granted review of the decision, so it's off the books for now.

Stay tuned!


Wednesday, 3 October 2012




I was in my AP Art History Class when Ruth (a dedicated follower ;) ) suggested that I post a picture of my outfit. To be honest, I can't remember the last time I blogged about school attire... I feel like walking around and asking fellow classmates to 'take my picture!' every day would seem entirely narcissistic. Plus, our campus doesn't exactly serve as a gorgeous backdrop for photos. Stained concrete? Totally classy. However, I'm really glad I took these photos (Photo credits to Natalia), mainly because it's an excellent example of what I wear on a normal day of high school. 

Personally, I don't necessarily consider my 'school style' different from my regular style. I find that the better I dress, the more confident I feel and the more I can actually focus in class. (If you've wondered why you never see me in a sweatshirt around campus, there's your answer!) The rainy season is significantly easier for me to create outfits as opposed to the summertime, simply because layering jackets, scarves, heavier pants and boots creates interesting outfits rather quickly.

On a side note, I struck pure gold in the backpack department this fall! I had read about the Herschel company in years prior, but never considered purchasing one of their backpacks. When I saw that Madewell was collaborating to create a collection of limited edition packs, however, I knew it was time to test one out. I have been SO happy with it, and still continue to receive compliments on a daily basis. It's smart, functional and stylish. What more could a girl want? :) 



Shirt- Juicy Couture
Skirt- Forever 21
Necklace- J. Crew
Shoes- Marc by Marc Jacobs
 Backpack- Herschel