
So....this happened.
I think the photos speak for themselves. Rather than provide background information on HOW I was able to land a tour at Teen Vogue, I want to talk about my experience while visiting.
(Sorry this took so long to publish; I wanted it to be extra special and lengthy).
My friend Amanda and I entered the Conde Nast building, only to see Marc Jacobs chatting happily on his cell phone in the lobby. I took mental notes on his outfit (grungy black leather boots, white beanie and skinny jeans even Olivia Newton John couldn't fit into during her Grease days), and continued to security without missing a step. It took quite an effort to avoid staring, but I succeeded at NOT being a fangirl. (After all, Louis Vuitton and MBMJ are two of my favorite brands). We received our guest passes, passed the security gates and boarded the elevator. All the while, panic welled up inside me- What if Anna Wintour, the Editor in Chief of Vogue, boarded the elevator with us?? Would I have to let her ride it alone á la Devil Wears Prada? Should I compliment her shoes? Bag? Hair? Thankfully, the only people riding the elevator besides us included a few GQ and Vanity Fair employees carrying large Jamba Juices. Pas d'Anna. ;) Once we arrived at the 9th floor, I began snapping several photos on my iPhone. Eventually, Alyssa Reeder, the Assistant to the Editor-in-Chief, came to greet Amanda and I in the Teen Vogue lobby. She led us past the glass doors, and the tour began.
A few things about the office stood out to me almost immediately....
1) It was much quieter than I expected. Everyone seemed either engulfed in their work, or quietly discussing upcoming issues with other staff members. However, staff members were also incredibly friendly. I was introduced to around 15-20 different people, all of whom greeted me with a wave or smile.
2) The infamous closet was not as overwhelming as one would think. After inquiring to Alyssa why this was, I learned that most designers send samples to the magazine. Once shot or featured, they are returned promptly to their proper showroom. However, racks of samples DID line the hallways.
So. Much. Clothing. It was ridiculous.
3) When we were ushered into the review room (future issues are assembled here via various magnetic boards), Alyssa mentioned the level of collaboration between Vogue and Teen Vogue. I was surprised to hear that Anna visits Teen Vogue to look over each issue, and give it the stamp of approval before it is submitted for print. Meanwhile, Grace Coddington, the Creative Director at Vogue, occasionally visits the Style Department to see what they're working on.
The tour lasted around twenty minutes. In this time, we visited all major departments, including casting, photography and beauty. Afterwards, Alyssa presented us with copies of the April issue! Super special magazine status. ;) Overall, it was a wonderful experience and I felt so lucky to see the office in action!